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Friday, February 4, 2011

Detective work

I'd just finished writing the previous post when I remembered that I hadn't followed up on a recent promise to Sonia regarding detective work. . . Sonia had asked me to try and find her college roommate (from the 1950's) who'd married a Frenchman and moved to Paris. But Sonia had lost touch with her years ago . . .

I hadn't gotten around to calling . . . it IS hard to pick up the phone and begin a conversation with a total stranger . . . But I didn't want to call myself a detective - or admit to Sonia that I haven't followed up. So, after a fair amount of procrastination -- I finally did it.

Can you imagine my surprise when a man picked up the phone - and as I stammered the explanation of exactly who I was and why I was calling -- he suddenly exclaimed "Oh Christ! That's my ex-wife!" Whew. I found the right number . . . Sonia had warned me that she wasn't sure if the lost roommate was even still alive, and as I mentioned this, her ex-husband said "Oh yes, she is very much alive - would you like her phone number?" My goodness. Not only is she still here in Paris, but she lives not far from me. . . .

So I called her, got her answering machine, and left a detailed message. The story isn't finished yet, but it made my day . . . so far. . . Maybe I've found a new line of work? ;-)

p.s. Margaret and I have connected. I'll be meeting her on Sunday afternoon for tea!

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