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Friday, June 4, 2010

On the move again

I got up early to sort and pack and clean. I'm leaving Paris today and traveling to Italy. I like to travel light, so I've been deciding what I can fit in my carry on bag and what to leave here in Paris. I fly to Pisa this afternoon then take the train to Bologna tomorrow. I'll be spending several weeks on the road and don't know when I'll be back in Paris. So I've had a busy week, trying to do and see as much as possible before I leave.

On Thursday, I went to the museum of ethnography at the Quai Branly. I also discovered a brand new museum called the Museum of Letters and Manuscripts. I went there to see a special exhibit on Proust, but they also have original music scores, and even hand written pages by Einstein with his calculations for the theory of relativity. You can check out the museum here: http://www.museedeslettres.fr/public/index.php

On Friday I went to a fabulous exposition of the French photographer Willy Ronis. Here are a couple of his well known photos:

I also spent time this week with Teri while JD was working. We went to the Rodin museum and had fun wandering around my favorite neighborhoods. Of course, no visit to Paris would be complete without spending time sitting in cafés!

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